Read here about Grant and Lewis’ attempt at The 30 Plus Pledge.

Food Diversity Challenge

A Shop Through Time
We take a look at 9 Regent Street’s long and interesting past.

Lewis explores the not-so-sweet history of Demerara sugar.

Sugar types
Lewis explains the differences between sugars.

Spain by Train
Grant and Andrea travel to Spain by train.

All about apple cider vinegar
Lily looks at the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Improve your gut health
Lily visits Muti’s kitchen to see their krauts and kimchis being made.

Terrific Tahini
Learn more about eco pioneers, Carley’s of Cornwall.

Meeting the oat milk maker
Lily spends a day at Float, our favourite oat milk.

Help for the Homeless
Some helpful information about how to find support if homeless, and how to support homeless charities.